DC’s Legends of Tomorrow S1:E2 Pilot Part 2 Recap


DC’s Legends of Tomorrow Pilot Part 2 is here!  I’m excited to see where this show goes! Let’s roll!

After a brief recap of what happened in Pilot Part 1, we see the Waverider coming in to land in Norway on October 19, 1975. From the information they received from Aldus Boardman, and also from consulting his journal, Rip Hunter has determined that this would be the most likely place to find Vandal Savage. Hawkman and Hawkgirl are still mourning the loss of their past life son, and request to go back and save him. Hunter tells them that there is no way of changing things that they have participated in.  Time would fold in upon itself creating a temporal vortex.  Which sounds way cooler than it is, adds Ray. Gideon has determined that Savage is in Norway for an black market arms trading meet up.  Snarky Leonard pipes up with, arms dealers and terrorists aren’t exactly our kind of people, but they’re the next best thing. Rip informs them that the Waverider has a clothing fabrication room, where they can fashion contemporary indigenous . . . fashion.  “You have a room that makes clothes”, asks Jax. “Doesn’t everyone?” replies Rip.


Leonard decides he’s the man for the job, and Ray is most definitely not qualified. Rip tells him he is actually the one in charge in case he has forgotten.  “Oh, I remember” says Leonard. “I just don’t care.” The snark is strong in this one. Rip warns Leonard and Mick that they have no experience, and they have never encountered Vandal Savage. They’re making a big mistake. Ray tells him that they already made a big mistake when they believed and trusted Rip to begin with.


Leonard, Mick, Sarah and Martin disembark and head over to the abandoned warehouse where the sale is taking place. They are all kitted up in their 70’s finery and Leonard and his neckerchief are particularly dazzling. Leonard pickpockets an entry pass, and Martin talks their way in past the guard while wearing a turtleneck. Impressive. They enter the warehouse and begin to search for Savage, who they assume is here to buy.  As they go in they pass Damien Darhk (what the), and various nefarious looking arms dealers. Jax and the Hawks are on the roof, waiting for them to find Savage and swoop in for the assist. They gather around as a lackey introduces the sale, and the seller.  It’s Savage and he’s selling the nuclear warhead we saw him caressing lovingly last week. Bidding starts at $100 million, and steadily rises.

Savage gets a vision of Hawkgirl, and realises the Hawks are here. Savage identifies Leonard and co in the audience as not fitting in, and asks his lackey where they are from. Mick fires in his gun in the air (the method of bidding) to try and cause a distraction, and the bidding promptly stops at $125 million. Sold! Whoops. Darhk approaches them and tries to ascertain who they are, Mick tells him to back off. Savage comes up and asks if there is a problem.  “Yeah” says Mick, “the master race here is starting to bug me.” Leonard says “let’s just get our nuclear warhead and go.”  “Not without paying” says lackey. Martin then says that they would like to establish that the warhead is operational, as it is highly unlikely that there would be enough fissionable material available in this era. Ruh roh. “This era?” questions Savage.  Martin realises what he has said and replies, figure of speech.


Jax up on the roofs is sensing that Martin is in trouble, and he tells the Hawks they all need to get in there, stat. Inside, Savage announces a change of plans. A 25% discount to anyone who brings him their heads. Mick asks if he can burn some stuff now, “I wish you would”, replies Leonard. He ignites some handy barrels of fuel, and the Hawks and Jax arrive. All hell breaks lose and they are all fighting for their lives, Martin tells Ray that now would be a good time, and Ray as the teeny weeny Atom shoots out of his pocket and begins causing mayhem. Savage stands back and takes stock of his new adversaries, when the Hawks land.  He tells them how pleased he is to see them, but tells them they can’t apprehend him and stop a nuclear explosion at the same time.  He sets the timer on the bomb for 2 minutes and leaves. The fight continues, and Sarah and Ray inspect the bomb to see of they can disarm it. Ray zooms into the bomb, and it suddenly loses a minute and there is only 30 seconds left.”I didn’t do anything”, he says, “it must have a fail safe.”

Martin and Jax merge to become Firestorm and shoot their way through the warehouse to the bomb. They have less than 30 seconds to get the bomb as far away as possible. Ray and Sarah continue to fight, and Ray’s suit is hit on the arm and a piece flies off and lands on the floor. Firestorm flies the bomb to a nearby island, the warhead explodes and they are able to consume the energy before it causes any damage. Apart from the big crater, that is.


They head back into the Waverider, blaming each other for everything that went wrong as they go. Savage has escaped but at least there is one less warhead in the world? Rip gives them the slow clap as they enter, not only did they fail to capture Savage, but they exposed themselves to him.  Giving away the element of surprise for now and all time. But they have worse things to worry about; the piece that fell off Ray’s suit is a high tech miniature weapon that Savage now has in his possession and will be reverse engineering as they speak. The future has now changed, and Gideon shows them Central City in 2016, burning and under the control of neo-fascists who took control after Savage built a weapon years ahead of it’s time from Ray’s technology. For now this is just a forecast, and time takes a while before it sets and is made permanent. They have very little time to recover the part, and correct the timeline.

Kendra and Carter (the Hawks) are sorting through Aldus’s things and reflecting on their past-life son.  Carter finds an article in Aldus’s jacket about an ancient Egyptian knife.  Kendra flashes back and recognises it as the knife Savage used to kill them in their first life.

The rest of the crew are brainstorming as to how they can find Savage and the tech and get it back. Ray realises that they don’t have to find Savage, just the tech, and the super complicated thing that it does is give off alpha particles which are conveniently easy to track!  If you have a tracker. But it’s 1975 and it doesn’t exist yet. Except, Martin was about in the 1970’s, and 25 year old Martin just happened to be studying that very field! What a coinkidink! Kendra and Carter enter and tell the others about the knife.  They realised back when they thought they had killed Savage once before that items associated with their first death have the power to destroy Savage. For the knife to work on Savage, an incantation has to be spoken at the same time.  The knife has an inscription in hieroglyphs that Kendra was once able to read, but cannot recall it from her past life.  They go off together to work on helping her remember. “As for the dagger”, says Rip. “You need someone to steal it”, says Ray. Alright, fine I’ll do it, whatever interjects Leonard, taking the article from Rip. Leonard and Mick head out, Ray tags along desperate to help to make up for losing his tech. Martin, Sarah and Jax discuss leaving to track down young Martin, but Rip warns them as they go to avoid interaction with his past self, the after effects could have catastrophic effects on the future. The ship leaves for the same date in the US, in 1975.

Decked out in their 70’s gear, Martin, Sarah and Jax approach the college young Martin is studying at, with the hope of breaking in and finding out if he is working on anything that could help them track the alpha particles.  Well wouldn’t you know, who’s that handsome fella just across the way.  And he catches Martin’s eye, and decides to approach. “Do I know you?” he asks. “No” says Martin, “I’m Professor Musk, Elon Musk, and these are my two lab assistants.” They discuss his work, and Sarah flirts her way into finding out more about “Marty’s”work.  He suggests they go smoke a doobie and talk about it some more.  Jax and Sarah almost crack up, and Jax asks Martin quietly, “are you sure that’s really you?”


Back on the Waverider, Carter is trying to get Kendra to remember her first life and decipher the inscription.  He gets her to relax and let her mind float back, while giving her a overly familiar shoulder rub. She flashes back, to . . . sexy times? Rawr. Kendra opens her eyes, and pulls away from Carter. He asks her what part of destiny doesn’t she understand? Uh, creepy dude.  She tells him, the one where she has to stop thinking for herself and leaves. Good on you, lady. She returns later to apologise, telling him the more he tells her they are destined to be together the more she pushes him away. He tells her she doesn’t have to love him in this lifetime, as many lifetimes as it takes, she’s worth the wait. Stalker alert. Kendra tries to remember again, and recalls Carter giving her the knife as a gift and it is inscribed with a love poem saying that their love will last forever.

Savage has worked out from seeing the others that they are from the future, “that’s impossible” says lackey.  “So is immortality”, Savage replies. They enter a lab where a dozen scientists are working on Ray’s tech.  One tells Savage that they should be able to start reverse engineering and have a result in a matter of weeks.  Savage gives him 24 hours, and when he argues, Savage take the tech and pulls the teeny trigger.  Blasting the scientist to Kingdom Come. “24 hours” he says, and leaves.

Martin and the others are at Marty’s lab, trying to get him to discuss his research, and lo and behold, he’s ahead of his time, and has been working on a prototype for a particle tracker. Marty goes to get some munchies and Martin starts to search his office looking for the tracker.  He also tells Sarah to stop flirting, as this is around the time he meets his wife and he doesn’t want anything to stop that happening. They find it just as Marty returns and he demands to know just what they are up to. Martin tries to convince him they are actually from a scientific journal and want to interview him, if they could just borrow the tracker for a few hours for some photos. Marty says no way, so Sarah does the next best thing and knocks him out with a huge red bong. As they go, Martin sets an alarm clock next to Marty so he wakes in time to attend a faculty mixer where he is due to meet his future wife. Martin, Jax and Sarah follow the tracker to Savage’s lab, and when Martin questions how stoned she is, Sarah tells him she could take care of these schmucks unconscious.  She kicks everyone’s arse and retrieves the tech.


Leonard, Mick and Ray have found the house of the owner of the knife.  They fight past the guards, and work their way through the security systems and find a room of treasures. They smash all the glass boxes, Leonard tells Ray you don’t break into the candy store and steal one gumball. Mick decides to go and look for the safe, and Ray is shocked. He just wants to get the dagger and get out, but this is what Leonard and Mick do, and he tells Ray that this is his mission and he needs to do what he says.  Ray wonders whether he should take the advice of someone who has spent half his life in prison? They fight and knock over a helmet which triggers a motion sensor, an alarm starts going off and a metal cage drops down, trapping them. “Great”, says Leonard, “now we’re both going to prison” (Prison Break flashbacks, anyone?). Leonard sends Mick to find the fuse box to trigger a system default, and Leonard sets to work on the electrical system in a display cabinet. Ray tells him that if he wasn’t a criminal, he could have been an electrical engineer, but Leonard tells him robbing banks is as sure as hell more satisfying than being a tech billionaire. Ray helps him rewire, and Leonard tells him he takes back what he said earlier, he’s not completely useless after all. Mick comes back into the room and tells Ray and Leonard that they have a slight problem. The house and the collection belong to Savage! He has captured Mick and tells Leonard to get the others here, especially the Hawks.

Martin, Sarah and Jax make their way back to the ship, Martin notices that his wedding ring has started to fade. What has happened to Marty? Maybe he didn’t wake up? They enter the ship, and Marty appears behind them having followed them from the campus. Now, do you want to tell me who you are and where you’re from? On the bridge Martin and Marty argue, and Jax drags Martin off telling him to calm down and stop yelling at himself. Jax and Martin talk and Martin tells him he is angry because he is still the same arrogant, pompous twit as he was back then, has he learned nothing his whole life? Jax tells him he is arrogant, but he also smart, kind and important, oh no I mean selfless, selfless. Jax tells him Marty is not a bad guy, and neither is he. Marty tries to get them to tell him what is going on, and almost works out that they are from the future. Don’t say it, don’t even think it, Martin says. Rip arrives, oh wonderful, another unauthorised passenger. That worked out so well the first time. “So have we met before?”, asks Marty.  “In a manner of speaking”, Martin replies, “have a wonderful life Marty.” They escort him off the ship, and Rip receives Leonard’s distress call over comms.  Kendra and Carter arrive, and tell them they know the incantation. Carter tells them that if they can get him close enough, then he’ll do it.

They arrive at Savage’s, and Firestorm blasts him out of the room and melts the cage for Ray and Leonard to escape. They meet up with the Hawks outside, and Leonard hands them the dagger that he has managed to pinch. The Hawks find Savage, and Carter attacks him with the knife.  They wrestle and Carter manages to stab him in the stomach while reciting the poem.  Savage is shocked, but then begins to pull the dagger out and tells Carter that the knife belongs to Kendra and she has to be the one to wield it.  He turns the knife back on Carter and stabs him. Carter falls and Kendra goes to his side, “I will wait for eternity”, he tells her. “Come back to me”, he says, and dies. Savage sucks Carter’s soul out and into himself, further strengthening his immortality. Kendra attacks Savage and he has her beaten, he stabs her in the side and tells her he loves her.  She is down on the ground, and Savage is heading in for the kill when Ray arrives and blasts him away from her. The others arrive after fighting off Savage’s cronies and hurry to get Kendra back to the ship.  They decide to leave Savage for now as Kendra is the only one who can kill him, and they need to get her some medical attention. They get her stable and she wakes and tells Rip that she remembered how she felt for Carter, that she loved him and never got the chance to tell him she remembered. She is distraught, and Rip sedates her and leaves her to rest in the medical bay.


Rip tells everyone that they need to stay where they are for the time being, another time jump could kill Kendra.  He takes Martin back to the campus and shows him Marty and his future wife Clarice at the faculty mixer kissing.  Martin’s wedding ring has returned, and Rip tells him he advised Marty to attend this evening.  Martin thanks Rip, and Rip tells him it hardly seems fair that Martin has to sacrifice his wife to save Rip’s.

On the Waverider, they all decide to keep going on their mission to find Savage and defeat him, for Carter. So Captain, where are we going next?



