So, er, oops, turns out this is the season four finale of Billions! How did that happen? I apologize for my lateness, I got all wrapped up in new shows and here this was hanging, waiting to be finished off. My bad, let’s get this heifer to the slaughterhouse!
Tag: Showtime
Billions S4:E11 Lamster Recap
We’re almost done the fourth season of Billions, can you believe it?? I’m so slow, thank the gods there is Fan Fun With Damian Lewis all over this stuff much faster than I, but I’ll still throw my two cents in. Who’s ready to roll into S4:E11 Lamster with me? Onward!
Billions S4:E10 New Year’s Day Recap
So. Here I thought I was two weeks behind on Billions, turns out there was a week without an episode and I’m only half as late as I thought I was! Woooo! That being said, I’d better knock the dew off this lily right skippy (I’m super terrible with analogies) and skip to my lou tout suite. Rolling Billions S4:E10 New Year’s Day after the break!
Billions S4:E09 American Champion Recap
Who’s ready for a double header of Billions season 4? WOOOO me too! Let’s roll right into S4:E09 American Champion so we can be all caught up!
Billions S4:E08 Fight Night Recap
Hey look, it’s Friday already, how did that happen? Seems like it was juuuuust Sunday when Billions S4:E08 originally aired…Okay, let’s just get to it, there’s been a battle a-brewing and I can smell napalm in the morning. Rolling!