Things are getting more intense by the moment on Spotless; alls the spoilers behind the break.
Tag: Canal
Spotless Recap S1:E4 Someone’s Son, Somebody’s Daughter
Full disclosure: I’m just coming off an extremely trippy episode of Mr. Robot so I’ve gone to Spotless to soothe me with some detailed crime scene cleaning.
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Spotless Recap S1:E3 Not A Place, A Circumstance
Last time we met the anarchist uber-capitalist Mr. Clay, Jean and Martin started a new-ish career path, as did Julie, and Jean’s police problems came to an about-to-be tidy end. Oh and the bad guys are after Martin again. Let’s see what’s shaping up on Spotless this time!
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Spotless S1:E2 Carrot and Stick Recap
Welcome back for more cleaning with the Spotless crew! This is the extended cut, now available on Netflix pretty much everywhere: an extra 10 minutes is pretty sweet! Let’s find out what we missed the first time ’round; I now have the ability to gif things, so it’s gonna get fancy up in here!
Spotless Recap S1:E1 One Hand Clapping
I’ve been interested in Spotless since I heard that Esquire had acquired their own network and were debuting this as their very first original show. You know, as long as it’s not a guide to: How To Be A Man and Cleanup Crime Scenes or something. There are SO.MANY TV choices from non-network sources, I’m ‘cited to see what Esquire got up to.