Happy Valley S1:E02 The Beginning of Collapse Recap

credit Netflix

Hi everyone! It’s super cold where I am, it’s quiet and what could be better than a cuppa tea and Sarah Lancashire? Nothing, wooooo! Let’s roll into the second episode of the first season of Happy Valley after the break!

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Happy Valley S1:E01 Recap

I’ve decided to revisit the first season of Happy Valley, because when you’re stuck, there’s nothing like going back to the beginning, right? Just like Inigo Montoya! I’m interested in seeing all the people I didn’t recognise the first time around, and this will also get me ready for series 3 of Happy Valley, slated to air in 2019. And it’s Sarah.Lancashire. COURSE.

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Happy Valley S2:E5 Omnipotent And Ubiquitous Recap


We’re back at Happy Valley for the penultimate episode of this series and I am all trepidation. Social media has been abuzz this week with news of a brutal couple of final episodes and the pictures released…not so happy in the valley. Well, it was always an ironic title anyway, wasn’t it? I still can’t wait to get at it, so let’s get to it!

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