I’ve been trying to hold onto this last episode of Happy Valley from the first series for as long as possible but I’m late with my newsletter and it’s time to make amends. I also had a super slow month (was busy with ridiculous things) and one cannot sustain oneself with reality TV show recaps. They’re like casual sex or fast food: too much leaves you feeling unsettled and poopy. Let’s roll into the very last episode of Happy Valley series 1!
Tag: Sarah Lancashire
Happy Valley S1:E05 Recovery Recap
I’ve been missing our Sarah Lancashire and feeling a little bit guilty for dipping on the ghastly MotherFatherSon; that means it is definitely time for some more Happy Valley. Let’s roll into the penultimate episode of the first series, I’ve forgotten how ugly it gets before it turns a corner. See you after the break!
MotherFatherSon S1:E02 Recap Annnndd I’m Oot
We’re back with the new Sarah Lancashire show MotherFatherSon; turns out the writers think it’s a Richard Gere and Helen McCrory show and we don’t get much Lanc-y screentime. I’m not one to complain (coughcough), I’ll take my Sarah however I can get it, but I definitely have my fingers crossed for a little more love this episode. Rolling after the break!
Continue reading MotherFatherSon S1:E02 Recap Annnndd I’m Oot
MotherFatherSon S1:E01 Recap You Can’t Outspend the Truth
MotherFatherSon is the latest Sarah Lancashire show (although there is confirmation of more Happy Valley and possibly others this year!), I’ve heard that it tends to the peculiar so I’ve got a cuppa to keep me cozy as we dive right into the first episode. Rolling after the break!
Continue reading MotherFatherSon S1:E01 Recap You Can’t Outspend the Truth
Happy Valley S1:E04 Everything Falls Apart Recap

Welcome back to Happy Valley series one, where things are as gritty as they get on British television, but with excellent writing and a minimum of gratuitous violence. is everyone ready to dive back in after the harrowing previous episode? Let’s find out after the break!
Continue reading Happy Valley S1:E04 Everything Falls Apart Recap