It’s finally the season finale of Annika, my favourite gem of a show with Nicola Walker. This episode should clear up all the questions and conversations I’ve been having about it, right? Or we should just have another series! Oh let’s do THAT! Paging Nick Walker! Let’s roll into my recap of Annika S1:E06 after the break for one last time this series.
AudioCap – Below Deck Mediterranean S6:E05 Audible Recap
And we’re back already because this season of Below Deck Mediterranean is AWESOME and must be yakked about, even if solo. Please find below my audiocap or audible recap of Below Deck Med S6:E05 for your listening pleasure!
Below Deck Mediterranean S6:E17 Nothing Comes Over Easy Recap
This is it! This is the finale of Below Deck Mediterranean, all we’ll see of these crew until the inevitable reunion show and Bravolebrity circuit showboating. Are you ready? Are you ready to say ‘goodbye’ and ‘what was that?’ and ‘ooooh that’s going to be hard to explain’?? Rolling into my recap of Below Deck Med S6:E17 Nothing Comes Over Easy after the break!
Continue reading Below Deck Mediterranean S6:E17 Nothing Comes Over Easy Recap
AudioCap – Below Deck Mediterranean S6:E04
It’s finally time for another audiocap of Below Deck Med! I hope you dig this one from season six and episode 4, cheers!
Great British Bake Off S12:E03 Bread Week!! Recap
It’s already time for bread week on the Great British Bake Off, WHO’S EXCITED?? ME TOO!!! It’s only two episodes in, have you chosen a favourite baker yet? I did, then I waffled, we’ll see how it shakes out. I may stick with my gut feeling, although I have my eye on a certain young baker with a long drawl. Rolling into my recap of GBBO S12:E03 Bread Week after the break!
Continue reading Great British Bake Off S12:E03 Bread Week!! Recap