Hi Dietland readers! I just wanted to drop a quick note in case anyone was looking for recaps/posts re the last two episodes, S1:E08 Rad Fatties and S1:E09 Woman Down. Beware: there be spoilers in this tiny post.
Tag: Dietland
Dietland S1:E04 F…This Recap
Hi everyone and welcome back to my passion project: Dietland. I loved the book by Sarai Walker and am so far really enjoying it being realised on the small screen. Onward! To S1:E04
Dietland S1:E03 Y Not Recap
Hi everyone and welcome back to my new favourite show (sorry RPDR!) Dietland where the women are fab and aplenty. A warning, I’ve had 6 hours sleep in the last two days and am subsisting solely on Diet P*p*i (don’t drink your calories!), Smartpop (100) and Twizzlers (120 fat-free) so I definitely talked too much. Rolling after the break!
Dietland S1:E02 Tender Belly
Welcome back to the second part of the Dietland premiere; S1:E02 Tender Belly. Last time we met everyone, let’s find out where we go from here.
Dietland S1:E01 Pilot Recap

You guys. YOU GUYS. I have been waiting for Dietland the series forEVER!! I absolutely adored the book in a way I hope that the author Sarai Walker understands, and now we getta see actual fat women on screen! IN LEAD ROLES. I KNOW!! I will be as impartial as possible (ahahahahahaha), let’s roll S1:E01 after the break, because we’ve waited long enough!