So shite got real on Wentworth Prison last time, sorry it’s taken me a minute to get back to it! Let’s see how Bea is doing and what chips fell where on S4:E9 Afterlife.
Tag: FoxTel
Wentworth S4:E8 Plan Bea Recap
Hi everyone, it’s Wentworth Prison Wednesday for me, can anyone explain to me why they call it Wentworth Prison when the facility is called Wentworth Correctional? Oh, it’s because I’m a pedant? Totally makes sense, rolling S4:E8 Plan Bea after the break!
Wentworth S4:E7 Panic Button Recap
Good evening lads and ladies, how is everyone? Are we ready for a (slightly later published) Wentworth Prison Wednesday? Me too, woot! Rolling S4:E7 Panic Button after the break
Wentworth S4:E6 Divide and Conquer Recap
Welcome back to Wentworth Correctional, where our interim Top Dog has compassion and cancer cells in unfortunately equal measure. I do love Maxie so, I hope there’s a way oot for her. Rolling S4E6 Divide and Conquer after the break.
Wentworth S4:E5 Love and Hate Recap
Hi everyone, welcome back to Wentworth season four where mostly I try not to shout a lot. It hasn’t been going very well for that, but let’s see what S4:E5 Love and Hate have for us anyway.