Hello! I am so excited to dive back into Julia with Sarah Lancashire, who’s with me?? I’ve been knee-deep below various decks lately but there is finally a space for some of Julia Child’s awesome story brought to life by none other that my very favourite actress Sarah Lancashire. Let’s roll into my recap of Julia S1:E03 Boeuf Bourguignon without further ado!
Tag: Julia
Julia S1E:02 Coq Au Vin Recap
Welcome back to Julia from HBO with Sarah Lancashire and Bebe Neuwith, I think that’s enough delayed gratification, isn’t it? Let’s roll right into my recap of Julia S1:E02 Coq Au Vin after the break!
AudioCap: Julia E1:E01
I’ve been working on some new ideas about audiocaps / audible podcasts; perhaps throwing together a bit of a roundtable discussion on this series, what do you think?
Julia S1:E01 Omelette Recap

I am so excited that my very favourite actress Sarah Lancashire is back on my screen, this time for American audiences! Okay, all the audiences, the whole world is watching this main stage and I’m very happy to be here. Let’s roll into my recap of Julia S1:E01 Omelette after the break so y’all can listen to me carry on and on about how absolutely fantastic Sarah Lancashire is in everything she does. Continue reading Julia S1:E01 Omelette Recap