How is everyone doing? We’re entering Week Two of the deep freeze in Alberta, but I am fortified with a massive cuppa and blankey so we can take out the trash in True Detective S3:E06 Hunters in the Dark. Onward!
Tag: Recap
True Detective S3:E05 If You Have Ghosts Recap
We’re back in the woods in True Detective S3:E05, why am I not hearing as much about this season as previous two? I know we all like a little “all right all right all right” COURSE, but I would definitely put this story up against the others in a minute. Let’s roll into the fifth installment after the break!
Continue reading True Detective S3:E05 If You Have Ghosts Recap
Happy Valley S1:E03 Ah Kirsten Recap
I’m back! It’s cold (-30 with wind) and incredibly snowy (even for me it’s a bit much), there’s nothing that could possibly beat Sarah Lancashire and a cuppa. I even have an Elly Griffiths novel or two for afters, who’s the coziest ever? Rolling Happy Valley S1:E03 after the break!
True Detective S3:E04 The Hour and The Day Recap

Welcome back to the third season of True Detective, this time with the excellent Mahershala Ali and a competent cohort of contemporaries. We aren’t quite understanding the shape of our mystery yet, but that’s par for the course for one of the best shows on HBO. Rolling S3:E04 after the break.
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True Detective S3:E03 The Big Never Recap
I thought about True Detective quite a lot this week, I’ve been spoiled completely rotten by being able to binge shows when I like (except watching You felt more compulsive than that) so the big question marks pulled at me. Also, is it doing well?