Below Deck Mediterranean S3:E04 Demand and Supply Recap

Hi everyone, sorry I’m late. It’s just, it’s been a brutal week for the loss of talented people. hasn’t it? First designer Kate Spade then chef Anthony Bourdain, it’s so hard to countenance. I’m sorry, let’s switch over and watch Below Deck Med, where everything is lovely and complicated only on the surface. Rolling S3:E04 after the break.

Continue reading Below Deck Mediterranean S3:E04 Demand and Supply Recap

Dietland S1:E01 Pilot Recap


You guys. YOU GUYS. I have been waiting for Dietland the series forEVER!! I absolutely adored the book in a way I hope that the author Sarai Walker understands, and now we getta see actual fat women on screen! IN LEAD ROLES. I KNOW!! I will be as impartial as possible (ahahahahahaha), let’s roll S1:E01 after the break, because we’ve waited long enough!

Continue reading Dietland S1:E01 Pilot Recap