Y’all need to prepare yourself for this particular episode of Billions, we have an interesting new face to look at (and listen to) as well as a new direction for more than a couple of characters. Rolling S3:E09 Icebreaker after the break.
Tag: Recap
Safe S1:E1.2 Day Two Recap

Welcome back to Safe, which has almost too much to say about it, thanks to the stellar cast and production company. Let’s just roll into episode 1.2, you know you binged it!
Safe S1:E1.1 Party Time Not Excellent Recap
Hi everyone and welcome to Safe by Harlan Coben produced by a favourite of mine: Nicola Shindler and Red Production Company of Happy Valley fame. That combination brought us The Five in 2016 and it stars Michael C. Hall from Six Feet Under and Amanda Abbington from Sherlock and Cuffs, how could it possibly miss? It can’t. Let’s watch!
Continue reading Safe S1:E1.1 Party Time Not Excellent Recap
Below Deck Mediterranean S3:E01 Ciao Napoli! Recap
Hi guys! Long time no yachtsnark! Who’s ready for some semi-maufactured dramz Below Deck in the high seas? ME TOO! Rolling the return of our Mediterranean gang after the break! We’re going to Italy on the Talisman Maiton!!
Continue reading Below Deck Mediterranean S3:E01 Ciao Napoli! Recap
Billions S3:E08 All the Willburys Recap

What’s this? Four Billions in a row? Okay, I admit it, I am having a little trouble getting Below Deck Mediterranean. Stay with me whilst I sort out my technical difficulties, let’s get caught up for realsies reals with our billionaire bumrubbers. Rolling S3:E08 All the Willburys after the break.