Trailer Park Roundup!

Well howdy, let’s round up some trailers! Anyone fancy having the bejesus scared out of them by the pretty but terrifying Bill SkarsgÃ¥rd? US TOO!!

First cab off the rank of course is CASTLE ROCK! Produced by Stephen King and JJ Abrams, it looks scary as all get out. Due on Hulu on July 25.

Can’t wait for all the characters and Easter eggs from the books . . . . and motherflippin Scott Glenn!

Sticking with TV, the new Orange Is The New Black trailer has been released by Netflix.

Set to arrive on July 27.

For something completely bizarre, the documentary Three Identical Strangers.

Can you even imagine finding out there were TWO MORE OF YOU?? And you’re an experiment? Mind blowing. This one is out now.

On a completely different, but ADORABLE note, new Christopher Robin!

Bonus Ewan McGregor butt chin.

For those of us who like a good ugly cry, and OSCAR ISAAC!

THE GLORIOUS OLIVIA COLMAN! Yes I’m just shouting at you now

I’m gonna finish off with one that’s due in cinemas this week. Eighth Grade, written and directed by my boo, Bo Burnham. Try saying that before you’ve had your coffee. You should all watch Can’t Handle This (Kanye Rant), posted below. Well, go on then. I’ll wait.