Hi everyone and welcome back to my passion project: Dietland. I loved the book by Sarai Walker and am so far really enjoying it being realised on the small screen. Onward! To S1:E04
Tag: AMC
Dietland S1:E03 Y Not Recap
Hi everyone and welcome back to my new favourite show (sorry RPDR!) Dietland where the women are fab and aplenty. A warning, I’ve had 6 hours sleep in the last two days and am subsisting solely on Diet P*p*i (don’t drink your calories!), Smartpop (100) and Twizzlers (120 fat-free) so I definitely talked too much. Rolling after the break!
Dietland S1:E02 Tender Belly
Welcome back to the second part of the Dietland premiere; S1:E02 Tender Belly. Last time we met everyone, let’s find out where we go from here.
Dietland S1:E01 Pilot Recap

You guys. YOU GUYS. I have been waiting for Dietland the series forEVER!! I absolutely adored the book in a way I hope that the author Sarai Walker understands, and now we getta see actual fat women on screen! IN LEAD ROLES. I KNOW!! I will be as impartial as possible (ahahahahahaha), let’s roll S1:E01 after the break, because we’ve waited long enough!
The Night Manager S1:E6 And Boom Recap
This is it! We’re at the end of The Night Manager (finally! Talk about dragging one’s bum) and we’re about to find out just how deep our Tom/Jonathan/Andrew is…rolling S1:E6 after the break!