Line of Duty S1:E01 Team Big Sexy Recap

I’ve heard of Line of Duty previously, but I’ve never really thought about it until a friend suggested it on Twitter. I’m familiar with star Vicky McClure thanks to her turn in last year’s The Replacement, but I’ve heard Imma recognise many, many faces and I canea wait. Rolling S1:E01 after the break!

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Ordinary Lies S2:E02 Holly Recap

Last week I dipped into the second series of Ordinary Lies starring Con O’Neil from Happy Valley, it was heavy, brah. Sah heavy. The work was just so above par that I couldn’t stay away long, Con (like we’re pals! First name basis and everything!) in particular was excellent, so let’s find out what else is shaking at this sports store.

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Ordinary Lies S2:E01 Joe Recap

Hi! Does everyone remember last year when I found out that Ordinary Lies had a Happy Valley alumnae innit and I was so excited? Then realised that was SECOND season and I had to do the first series before I got to Con O’Neill and his part? Course you do, silly me, well I’ve finished the first season and we’re ready for Con, only slightly over a year later! Rolling Ordinary Lies S2:E01 Joe after the break.

Continue reading Ordinary Lies S2:E01 Joe Recap