Hi everyone and welcome back to Black Mirror Season 4. I occasionally need a break from this show when it goes south as in S4:E03 Crocodile (YOU KNOW WHAT YOU DID, NETFLIX) but since then I’ve had a bit of a health scare, no better place to put my energy into something that makes me shouty. Rolling S4:E04 Hang the DJ after the break.
Tag: Black Mirror
Black Mirror S4:E03 Crocodile Recap
We’ve had some good episodes of Black Mirror in Season 4, haven’t we? Definitely been rolling right along with some interesting shows, let’s find out what S4:E03 Crocodile has in store for us after the break.
Black Mirror S4:E02 Arkangel Recap
Lookit we’re in the current season of Black Mirror and EVERYTHING! Yay us! The first of season four was a frothy concoction with an evil underbelly, let’s see what S4:E02 Arkangel has in store for us!
Black Mirror S4:E01 USS Callister Recap
Hi everyone, it’s incredibly cold (but snowy, yay!!) outside, so there’s nothing better to do than snuggle in and watch a probably unsettling episode of Black Mirror. Rolling S4:E01 USS Callister after the break.
Black Mirror S3:E06 Hated in the Nation Recap
I know, I know, I should be focused on season four of Black Mirror, but there’s still one left in S3 to recap! I *may* have missed the fact that there were 6 episodes in season 3. Imma squeak it in and then will hit S4 running, okay? Deal? Rolling S3:E6 Hated in the Nation after the break.
Continue reading Black Mirror S3:E06 Hated in the Nation Recap