Black Mirror S3:E3 Shut Up and Dance Recap

Okay, so I skipped a couple Black Mirror episodes, sue me! I absolutely hated S3:E1 (blech) and couldn’t get into S3:E2 (Playtest) but I heard the smart money is on San Junipero. I couldn’t get San Junipero yet, so we’re at S3:E3 Shut Up and Dance because I’M SURE THAT’S NOT CONFUSING AT ALL. Rolling after the break!

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The Deuce S1:E01 Recap Before the Sun Catches Us All

Howdy boys and girls and welcome to Times Square in 1971 with The Deuce. It means something entirely different these days, so this is me and my twelve-year-old self snickering in the corner. I’ve heard this series has excellent writing and equivalent nudity, so I am all in. Rolling the Pilot after the break!

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Below Deck S5:E01 The 1 Percenters Recap

Woo hoo, it’s time for OG Below Deck you guys! Who’s excited??!! No more amateur hour asea, we have our hardy crew of yachties rolling with our homies, let’s meet some new people who will make unfortunate decisions while intoxicated and on camera for our amusement! Rolling S5:E01 The 1 Percenters after the break.

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Doctor Foster S2:E1 This Time It’s The Children Recap

Hi everyone and welcome back to Doctor Foster! This was one of my favourite shows to recap, I think because of the Suranne Jones crossover I was doing at the time with Unforgiven. Anywho, who’s ready to find out why they added a second season to an already-finished story? ME TOO!! Rolling S2:E1 after the break.

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