Below Deck Mediterranean S6:E12 Don’t Go Chasing Waterfalls Recap

Well well well, we meet here again at Below Deck Mediterranean in Croatia mid-COVID. How was your week? How is your country doing, by the by? Mine’s in the middle of a last-minute election battle and being hit from all sides by a COVID fourth wave! Enough real life stuff, let’s watch millionaires pretend to be billionaires while drunk crew made poor life choices! Rolling into my recap of Below Deck Med S6:E12 Don’t Go Chasing Waterfalls after the break!

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Below Deck Mediterranean S6:E11 Should I stay or Should I Go? Recap

We’re back in Croatia with Below Deck Mediterranean and a deck/stew with the inability to pronounce her ‘r’s. Wheeeee! Rolling into bad weather in my Below Deck Med S6:E11 Should I Stay Or Should I Go? recap after the break!

Continue reading Below Deck Mediterranean S6:E11 Should I stay or Should I Go? Recap