Below Deck Mediterranean S5:E16 Cool As A Cucumber Recap

Look! We’re back on Below Deck Mediterranean already! That’s what happens when I’m super late with the audiocap, it feels like I’m bingeing wooooo! Let’s roll into my Below Deck Med S5:E16 Cool As A Cucumber recap right skippy after the break!

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Below Deck Mediterranean S5:E15 Shot Through the Heart and Ibiza’s to Blame Recap

Hi! It’s the best part of the week, it’s time for Below Deck Mediterranean, yay!! We’ve got the Damons still on board, a maybe-Michelin-starred chef and one grouchy couple sharing one tiny little room below deck. Rolling into my Below Deck Med S5:E15 Shot Through the Heart and Ibiza’s to Blame recap after the break!

Continue reading Below Deck Mediterranean S5:E15 Shot Through the Heart and Ibiza’s to Blame Recap

Great Canadian Baking Show S2:E07 French Week Recap

Hi guys! I mean, bonjour, it’s French Week on the Great Canadian Baking Show! I would try do my level best to interject all the French I can remember but really: I’m just here for Dan Levy making faces. I got to use my GCBS knowledge the other day, are you excited to hear HOW? Rolling into my recap of the Great Canadian Baking Show S2:E06 French Week after the break!

Continue reading Great Canadian Baking Show S2:E07 French Week Recap