Orange is the New Black S4:E12 The Animals Recap

We’re closing in on the end of the fourth season of Orange is the New Black now, a paltry 14 or so months behind (you should see how far behind I am on Orphan Black!!). Let’s find out why my sister swears this season is worth finishing and everyone else is mad. Rolling OITNB S4:E12 The Animals after the break!

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Game of Thrones S7:E5 Eastwatch Recap

It’s Unnecessary Violence Day, so that means Game of Thrones is up! Twas a thrilling show last week, one of the best in years. From Arya’s and Brienne’s superior swordplay to Daenerys laying waste to the entire Lannister army in 20 minutes of glory, it was amazing. Um. Spoiler alert. Veronica and I are rolling S7:E5 Eastwatch after the break!

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