Tonight we’re going back to The Handmaid’s Tale and Gilead for some respite from the real life abominations being carried out (Google Charlottesville Aug.12-17) and so we can talk about some imaginary horrors. They just aren’t that far apart, are they? Rolling S1:E5 Faithful after the break.
Tag: Recap
Cardinal S1:E2 Delorme Recap
Hello fellow Canucklaidians! I found Cardinal to be as compelling to watch as it was to read (if slightly less poetic), let’s see how our mystery is rounding out on characters on S1:E2 Delorme after the break.
Below Deck Mediterranean S2:E14 Con-Text is Everything Recap
This is it! The end of the second season of Below Deck Mediterranean and as we leave this crew behind (except Hannah, girl is attached like a lamphrey eel. Oh and Bobby, he burnt some fire station bridges too. GEDDIT??), let’s reminisce about their heady journey into pop culture semi-stardom as Bravolebrities. Rolling S2:E14 Con-Text is Everything after the break!
Continue reading Below Deck Mediterranean S2:E14 Con-Text is Everything Recap
Game of Thrones S7:E4 The Spoils of War Recap
It’s time again for Game of Thrones; what say you about the last episode, Veronica? I could have taken slightly less exaggeration and a whole lot less graphic-ish incest, what say you? Let’s find out what The Spoils of War have for us! That’s Game of Thrones for you, all queasy but still begging for more!
Continue reading Game of Thrones S7:E4 The Spoils of War Recap
The Handmaid’s Tale S1:E4 Nolite Te Bastardes Carborundorum Recap
Awwww, when I was but a baby feminist I used to write Nolite Te Bastardes Carborundorum all over everything! It means “don’t let the bastages grind you down” and it’s the title of our super-grindy episode of The Handmaid’s Tale. Rolling after the break
Continue reading The Handmaid’s Tale S1:E4 Nolite Te Bastardes Carborundorum Recap