The Handmaid’s Tale S1:E1 Offred Recap

Hi everyone, welcome to The Handmaid’s Tale, recommended by two of my very favourite readers (you know who you are!!) and a great neighbour; I understand this show has extra significance in these uncertain political times. Not that hating women or misogyny is new, we’re just not used to seeing it being openly displayed so we’re all playing a bit of catch up. Rolling S1:E1 Offred after the break.

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RuPaul’s Drag Race S9:E4 Good Morning B*tches Recap

Good evening ladies and gents and welcome back to RuPaul’s Drag Race, it seemed fitting to start a Best Friend’s Race recap on the anniversary of the Pulse Massacre; rest in peace all you wonderful people.  can’t believe it’s been a year already. Rolling S9:E4 Good Morning Bitches after the break

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