Below Deck S9:E04 Pissed On Chickens Can’t Compare Recap

And we’re back  with Below Deck already because it’s cold and snowy here in Nowhere But Close To Somewhere, Canada. I need to look at the beautiful clear sea of the Mediterranean! Plus I think Jake’s probably sending out heat waves, yes? Rolling into my recap of Below Deck S9:E04 after the break!

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Below Deck S9:E03 Bourbon Buffoonery Recap

Hai! Happy New Year and welcome back to my recap series of Below Deck. I had a bit of an issue with my Bravo subscription AND have been working on a developing side business but will bang off as many of these recaps as I can. Because I lurve this show in all its trashiness. Rolling into my recap of Below Deck S9:E03 after the break!

Continue reading Below Deck S9:E03 Bourbon Buffoonery Recap

Great British Bake Off S12:E05 German Week Recap

And we’re back with the Great British Bake Off wooooooo! Catching up never felt so good! I admit I have to completely ignore Twitter or any other social media to avoid spoilers, but that’s just the price you pay for being eleventy episodes behind. Without further ado, please enjoy my recap of GBBO S12:E05 German Week after the break!

Continue reading Great British Bake Off S12:E05 German Week Recap