Great British Bake Off S10:E05 The Roaring Twenties Recap

Welcome back to our cozy giant tent and adept bakers on the Great British Bake Off, where the tenth season has not yet ended! That’s right, out there in the “real” world, the season finale aired and a winner has been chosen! But not here on GingesBeCray, where we still getta watch them bake amazing goodies in perplexing quantities for at least another five or six episodes. Join me in the delicious smelling past, like a cinnamon-scented bubble, as we roll into GBBO S10:E05 The Roaring Twenties.

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The Accident S1:E01 Dust and Fury Recap

Hello! Welcome to my first recap of the new Sarah Lancashire series The Accident. Those that have been on the site before know I am a huge fan of Mme. Lancashire and have recapped everything I could get my hands on, new readers could absolutely check those out if they were so inclined! I haven’t heard much about this series, other than that reviews are mixed but generally positive, but I would watch it anyway, right? Right. Rolling into S1:E01 of The Accident right after the break!

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Below Deck S7:E03 Weekend at Brandy’s Recap

Hey, by the time you read this, the new episode of Below Deck will almost be on! How’s THAT for timing? Wooooooo! How is everyone liking the new crew so far? I’m kind of obsessed with deckhand Abbi Murphy’s slow-rolling YOLO but other than that it remains Kate Chastain’s show for me, how’s by you? Let’s roll into Below Deck S7:E03 Weekend at Brandy’s!

Continue reading Below Deck S7:E03 Weekend at Brandy’s Recap

Russian Doll S1:E05 Superiority Complex Recap

How are you enjoying Netflix’s Russian Doll? It was nominated for every Emmy under the sun, if there hadn’t been that one other show…(which I also adore), it would have been a very sparkly night for Natasha Lyonne et al fo SHO. It’s not just the stellar cast that drives how good Russian Doll is, the writing is so tight. So tight. I have no higher compliment. Let’s roll into Russian Doll S1:E05 and see if we can’t figure out what the Sam Hill is going down. Coz for sure I don’t know yet.

Continue reading Russian Doll S1:E05 Superiority Complex Recap