Hi there, we’re running through the fifth season on Below Deck like a MACHINE! A three month late MACHINE! Who’s ready to get back asea with Robbie Lodes and his guests on Below Deck S5:E09 ? ME TOO!
Hi there, we’re running through the fifth season on Below Deck like a MACHINE! A three month late MACHINE! Who’s ready to get back asea with Robbie Lodes and his guests on Below Deck S5:E09 ? ME TOO!
I know, I know, you aren’t seeing things, I actually DID just recap Below Deck yesterday. It’s just that I have literally nothing better to do and I am super behind, so why not do a double header? Y NOT? Rolling S5:E08 Under Cover Boss after the break!
Welcome back to Below Deck which I have absconded from for far too long, I hear there may have even been a reunion already and stuff! No matter, rolling from seven behind like a BOSS! Just in case anyone is clearing their DVR backlog!
Hi everyone, it’s incredibly cold (but snowy, yay!!) outside, so there’s nothing better to do than snuggle in and watch a probably unsettling episode of Black Mirror. Rolling S4:E01 USS Callister after the break.
Good morning, how is everyone? Are we ready for some more Top Chef Colorado? Course we are! Let’s roll S15:E06 Now That’s a Lot of Schnitzel after the break.
Continue reading Top Chef S15:E06 Now That’s a Lot of Schnitzel Recap