Below Deck Mediterranean S2:E14 Con-Text is Everything Recap

This is it! The end of the second season of Below Deck Mediterranean and as we leave this crew behind (except Hannah, girl is attached like a lamphrey eel. Oh and Bobby, he burnt some fire station bridges too. GEDDIT??), let’s reminisce about their heady journey into pop culture semi-stardom as Bravolebrities. Rolling S2:E14 Con-Text is Everything after the break!

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Below Deck Mediterranean S2:E13 Stew the Right Thing Recap

Wooooo I think Hannah’s getting some again, this has been a GREAT season for Hannah and her wobblies on Below Deck Mediterranean, hasn’t it? Although she might wanna reconsider “poking it out” with Adam on this here episode Stew The Right Thing, since she can’t walk and all. Rolling S2:E13 after the break!

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