Below Deck Mediterranean S4:E06 Knot Today, Anchors Recap

Below Deck Mediterranean continues to be one of the most popular shows I recap, it’s fun right? Watching the crew fetch and carry then pound shots and one another (in a friendly fashion) is oddly satisfying, isn’t it? Let’s find out if Jack and Aesha are gonna seal the deal any time soon. Rolling S4:E06 Knot Today, Anchors after the break!

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Below Deck Mediterranean S4:E05 99 Problems But a Chef Ain’t One Recap

Hi! I’m early (for me) for Below Deck Mediterranean! Isn’t that exciting?? Okay, maybe just to me, but this is supposed to be a gooder! Now we find out if we’re getting a new chef! Rolling S4:E05 of Below Deck Med after the break!

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Below Deck Mediterranean S4:E04 Too Many Cooks in the Kitchen Recap

So when are we getting a new chef on Below Deck Med already, amirite? There’s only so much mayo I can bear being squirted into canned fish, you guys. Also: it’s hella easy to make mayonnaise, all you need is eggs, oil and a mixer and we saw all of that! Anyway, let’s get ready to watch rich people eat subpar food for at least one more episode, roll with me into S4:E04 Too Many Cooks in the Kitchen after the break!

Continue reading Below Deck Mediterranean S4:E04 Too Many Cooks in the Kitchen Recap

Below Deck Mediterranean S4:E02 Recipe for Disaster Recap

How are we liking Below Deck Mediterranean season four so far? First off: how is it even S4 already?? and secondly, I’m so happy we got Captain Sandy back! She’s definitely my favourite captain of the series to date. Let’s roll into S4:E02 because we’re already late!

Continue reading Below Deck Mediterranean S4:E02 Recipe for Disaster Recap