Happy Valley S1:E02 The Beginning of Collapse Recap

credit Netflix

Hi everyone! It’s super cold where I am, it’s quiet and what could be better than a cuppa tea and Sarah Lancashire? Nothing, wooooo! Let’s roll into the second episode of the first season of Happy Valley after the break!

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True Detective S3:E01 The Great War and Modern Memory Recap

credit HBO

It’s time for an all new True Detective from HBO, who’s excited?? Me too! This will be the third year recapping this series, but the previous two seasons were on a different and now inaccessible site. My recapping partner is the excellent Veronica, one of the funniest people I know, I’m hoping she’ll be able to join me down the road. Without further ado, let’s roll into True Detective season 3 with the excellent Mahershala Ali!

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Happy Valley S1:E01 Recap

I’ve decided to revisit the first season of Happy Valley, because when you’re stuck, there’s nothing like going back to the beginning, right? Just like Inigo Montoya! I’m interested in seeing all the people I didn’t recognise the first time around, and this will also get me ready for series 3 of Happy Valley, slated to air in 2019. And it’s Sarah.Lancashire. COURSE.

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What’s Good, 2018?

Image result for happy new year

Hi everyone, how was your year? Mine was fraught, but it’s ending on a good note so I will take.that.all.day. I am super superstitions about the coming of the new year, which is like…everyone. But let’s look back for a minute and stroll the last year’s worth of recaps and see what was the most read!

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