Below Deck Mediterranean S4:E02 Recipe for Disaster Recap

How are we liking Below Deck Mediterranean season four so far? First off: how is it even S4 already?? and secondly, I’m so happy we got Captain Sandy back! She’s definitely my favourite captain of the series to date. Let’s roll into S4:E02 because we’re already late!

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Below Deck Mediterranean S4:E01 Pardon Your French Recap

Ahoy mateys and welcome back to Below Deck Med, our floating nightclub staffed by the beautiful people FOR the beautiful people! Seriously, it would be easy to mistake the Below Deck Mediterranean crew for guests, if they weren’t all so young. And poor. Let’s roll into season 4 and see who came back with us!

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What’s Good, 2018?

Image result for happy new year

Hi everyone, how was your year? Mine was fraught, but it’s ending on a good note so I will I am super superstitions about the coming of the new year, which is like…everyone. But let’s look back for a minute and stroll the last year’s worth of recaps and see what was the most read!

Continue reading What’s Good, 2018?

Below Deck Mediterranean S3:E16 Definitely Not Prague Recap

Below Deck Mediterranean is the show that never ends, ending right now (or maybe a few weeks ago) before your very eyes! What will happen next? Will our couples become singles? Is this a grown-up game of Musical Beds and everyone will switch partners as the band plays down? All this and more, answered in your Below Deck Med season finale recap!

Continue reading Below Deck Mediterranean S3:E16 Definitely Not Prague Recap